Ryse Solutions Inc. works with producers and packaging suppliers to provide compliance, advisory and material recovery solutions to meet ever-changing regulatory and sustainability demands. Our team has over 50 years of collective experience in circular economy solutions, including the design, implementation and management of producer responsibility programs, which cover a broad range of materials, such as tires, waste electronics, hard-to-recycle packaging and batteries. Backed by a well-developed network of collection, processing and end-market assets, we also offer solutions to producers, retailers, manufacturers and packaging suppliers, which include understanding the flow of material in recycling facilities; research and development on the recyclability of consumer plastic packaging and paper products; and, the development and optimization of commodity end markets.
Blue Box Regulation
In June 2021, the Government of Ontario issued the regulation for the collection and management of Blue Box recyclables. This new regulation includes a number of significant changes for producers including:
• Shifting the responsibility from a collective basis (i.e. every company had to join Stewardship Ontario) to a new model of individual producer responsibility or IPR
• Individual producer-specific management targets that increase over time;
• Shifting the cost to producers from 50% to 100% over a 3 year transition period; and
• Producers have choice on how they comply and which producer responsibility organization or PRO they work with to fulfill their compliance obligations.
Ryse Solutions is ready to help businesses with this substantial transition.
Key Timelines
July 1, 2022: Deadline for PROs responsible for 66% of weight supplied to submit reports to the Authority.
October 31, 2022: Producers must submit their supply reports to the Authority.
July 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025: Transition of eligible communities.
January 1, 2026: Blue Box program in effect with new eligible sources, standardized materials, and establish targets.
Security and Tracing
We only work with service providers and partners who can provide full transparency of their operations and chain of custody tracking, from collection to post-collection of Blue Box materials.
As Ontario’s largest and first multi-material PRO, we understand the need to monitor this tracing system closely and create an audit program to ensure we are meeting your obligations and keeping your brands and reputations intact.
Cost Effectiveness
We understand that our clients have dual objectives: to be in compliance with the regulation and to do so cost effectively. We will be working with experienced and trusted, service providers to tailor our programs to serve our clients best.
Ryse Solutions has expertise in collection, post-collection management, marketing of recycled materials, and has partnerships in place with some of North America’s leading plastics recycling companies.
Multi-Material PRO
The Ryse Solutions team understands many companies have more than one type of regulation to comply with. This is why we are proud to be Ontario's first multi-material producer responsibility organization (PRO), experienced in recovery for both regulated and voluntary programs. We have managed compliance services for 110+ customers, including four of Canada's largest retailers and Fortune500 companies.
Having one supplier for your Ontario compliance needs not only makes sense but makes cents.
Customer Service
We know that every sector and every business has unique needs and opportunities. Our process starts by asking questions to learn as much as possible about each client's business operations and industry. We have a deep understanding of the new regulation, and we consider both conventional and unique compliance options to save our clients time, effort, and resources.