Emterra Group and Ryse Solutions join the Canada Plastic Pact to help lead the charge towards a circular economy.
Burlington, ON., (January 27, 2021) – Ryse Solutions and parent company, Emterra Group, have joined The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP). In the first Canadian pact of its kind, CPP members are united behind a vision of a circular economy for plastics, in which plastics stay in the economy as a valuable resource and out of the environment.
CPP Founding Partners Emterra Group and Ryse Solutions deliver solutions to help companies become more circular.
Plastics play a vital role in our society. However, the take-make-waste model means millions of tonnes of plastic (in Canada: 3 million tonnes a year) escape into the environment, end up in landfills or are burned. This translates into billions of dollars of valuable materials that are lost to the Canadian economy.
The CPP is part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s global Plastics Pact network, joining other plastics pacts across the world in a network of national and regional initiatives working towards the vision of a circular economy for plastics. The CPP brings together businesses, policy makers and NGOs to work together to create a national solution to plastic waste and pollution through combined expertise, collaboration, and a desire to take action.
"Ryse and Emterra are in a unique position as Founding Partners of the Canada Plastic Pact to create and operationalize the circular solutions users and makers of plastic products and packaging need and want," says Paulina Leung, Chief Sustainability Officer. "We have the circular economy brains and brawn. Ryse Solutions, the brains, has the ability to help companies integrate circularity into business practices and supply chains. Emterra Group, the brawn, advances circularity though the collection and processing of plastics keeping valuable materials in circulation.”
Financial modelling done by Deloitte for the Government of Canada shows that through ambitious action, a circular economy for plastics in Canada by 2030 would save Canadian companies $500 million in costs every year, create tens of thousands of jobs; and be a substantial source of greenhouse gas emissions savings.1 The Canadian Plastics Pact mission is “to unite leaders and experts across Canada’s plastics value chain to collaboratively develop, pilot and scale effective, innovative and bold solutions that will overcome systemic barriers to achieving a prosperous circular plastics economy.”
“Ryse Solutions joined the CPP because it was the right thing to do. Period.” says Gordon Day, Vice President at Ryse Solutions. “As a forward-looking business partner to large, medium and small companies, we believe the CPP will make Canadian producers, retailers and packaging suppliers more circular, and companies more profitable. We are excited to further collaboration with like-minded industry leaders to create long lasting change in Canada."
The first step for Founding Partners is to develop a roadmap, laying out the direction and strategies for taking action to 2025, and execute projects, programs and initiatives to achieve the CPP’s targets. All of which, Emterra Group and Ryse Solutions look forward to doing.
About Emterra Group and Ryse Solutions
Emterra Group is a leader in providing integrated recycling and waste management solutions to the industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) sectors and municipalities throughout Canada and the state of Michigan. Ryse Solutions works with manufacturers, converters, and brand owners to provide compliance, advisory and material recovery solutions to meet ever-changing regulatory and sustainability demands. We believe a circular economy is better for the environment, the economy, and people.
Emterra: Emterra.ca
Ryse: ryseinc.ca
MEDIA CONTACT: Christi Souter
About the CPP
The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP) is tackling plastic waste and pollution, as a multi-stakeholder, industry-led, cross-value chain collaboration platform. The CPP brings together Partners who are united behind a vision of creating a circular economy in Canada in which plastic waste is kept in the economy and out of the environment. It unites businesses, government, non-governmental organizations and other key actors in the local plastics value chain behind clear actionable targets by the year 2025. By aligning with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Plastic Pact Network’s New Plastics Economy’s common vision of a circular economy for plastics, CPP partners commit to fundamentally rethinking the way we design, use, and reuse plastic packaging.
Further information: www.plasticspact.ca | @CanadaPact
1 http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/eccc/En4-366-1-2019-eng.pdf